There are no rules when it comes to how governments should reinvest in their own economies, and the Chinese government have proven to be very canny when it comes to finding the right balance between driving centrally-managed growth and keeping the people focused on personal improvement and hard work.  Let us not forget that in absolute terms, the 14% increase in economic activity (GDP growth) in 2007 is about the same as the 6% increase in 2015.  The growth continues, and will continue to be managed from the center.

On another note, there is a Fortune-produced video embedded in this article that talks about China reaching the median per capita GDP at which other countries have "made the change to democracy".   These countries did not change to democracy because they reached this magic level of per capita GDP.  So what is their point?  Remember also, as Winston Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”  Are they suggesting that the current Chinese government are doing a worse job of managing this vast economy than a democratically elected government would?  Now I am beginning to sound like a propagandist.  All I am saying is - different systems work well at different times and in different circumstances.  Does anyone think that changing the system in China today would give more people in China greater prosperity than the majority of the population enjoys today?  I am all ears.........